Friday, June 18, 2010

My First Blog

Starting a blog really isn't as easy at it looks. First, you must think of a catchy name to catch the interest of people(catchy....catch, I make myself laugh). Somehow I came up with that's hot topic. It's like a combination of that's hot and hot topics. Pretty lame I know, but it's the best I can do at two in the morning. Secondly, while ignoring my brother's attempts to help my design my blog, my stubborn as went to a poorly made website and created a banner. The banner itself was not that bad. I just decided to let the website post it on its own and it's now my very first blog. I was not a very happy camper. Thirdly, I now have posted blogs I had no intention of posting in my sleepy state, but found it was the only solution to distract the few followers that I have from looking at the unwanted banner. That concludes my very first blogging experience.

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